HSEB (+2) class 11 result out kartik 6-7 2066 but the official website is awary

Don’t know what’s happening in Nepal. HSEB has announced the result of class 11 all stream science, management/commerce and arts but the official website of HSEB ie http://www.hseb.edu.np says nothing about it and even produces the false result of passed student.hseb-class11-result-website-awary
The Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, has announced the results of class XI examinations 2066 Saturday evening. But What’s all this about?
On this screenshot you can see that even though news of the result of grade 11 of HSEB published has been read and watched, still the HSEB site shows something which it should not have.
Of the total 2,50,654 students who appeared for the examinations about 1,01,433 students made it through with the pass percentage standing at 40.45 per cent.
The supplementary examinations / purak parikchhya for the grade 11 will be held by HSEB on this December 12 (2009). You can get HSEB results on your mobile by texting/sending an SMS to 2722 ie THTLIVE on the following format:
hseb<space>sbymbol No. (then send it to 2722)
We hope such value added service of mobile (SMS results) won’t produce any false results.

7 thoughts on “HSEB (+2) class 11 result out kartik 6-7 2066 but the official website is awary”

  1. Hey, what happened to the HSEB website, I am in fact passed but this site shows that I am failed.

    What's wrong going with this HSEB site and class 11 of +2 result…. can't understand.

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