Welcome to the download page of Spice mobile phones windows Installation drivers. Since installation of Spice D-88 and other smart phones on Windows 64 bit version is quite cumbersome, we have managed somehow to install it; finally you can surf internet from your favorite Spice CDMA mobile phone into your laptop or desktop. The procedures are explained in our articles, ensure you read them before downloading the installation driver files.
[note color=”#FFCC00″]Please ensure that you have read the articles (i) How to Set up Spice D-88 as a CDMA or GPRS modem in Windows Vista 64x and (ii) Connect to internet using CDMA or GSM Mobile Phones- Spice Mobile D88n/gold (links opens in a new tab).[/note]
There is a download available for Spice Mobiles D-88/Gold, ensure you read the installation guide before downloading:
[button link=http://www.spiceglobal.com/SpiceMobiles/displaymanual.aspx?id=d0992a0a-9ff8-4ee9-9018-8ccc910eb6c9.zip color=”#AAAAAA” size=”3″ style=”1″ dark=”0″ square=”0″ target=”self”]Spice D-88 CDMA/GPRS (dual SIM) modem drivers for Windows 64 bit[/button]
[button link=http://files.ekendraonline.com/dl/Vista_Driver_for_Spice_D88.zip color=”#AAAAAA” size=”3″ style=”1″ dark=”0″ square=”0″ target=”self”]Windows Vista Driver for Spice Mobile D88 or D88n[/button]
[button link=http://www.spiceglobal.com/SpiceMobiles/displaymanual.aspx?id=d0992a0a-9ff8-4ee9-9018-8ccc910eb6c9.zip color=”#AAAAAA” size=”3″ style=”1″ dark=”0″ square=”0″ target=”self”]Spice Mobile D88 GOLD internet connecting software for Vista[/button]
If Password for the file Spice D-88 CDMA/GPRS (dual SIM) modem in Windows 64 bit is required, it is explained in read me file.
Please help me as i am getting error GPRS & CDMA can not open in same port(praveenvh@ rediffmail.com)
Praveen, could you plz elaborate your problem. Share us your screenshots and write the problem and step on which you got problems.