The technology of कान्तिपुर बर्षका दश: Delving into the limitations of Facebook voting

Kantipur Publication house has been conducting कान्तिपुर बर्षका दश – 10 best of the Year (? translation) over a month now.

On Falgun 7 (Democracy day, as we call) Kantipur will reveal their best 10 personnel on various fields from Nepal. The sole judgement parameters on the second round (first round was jury selecting personnel for 2nd round) is a count of Facebook like.

Limitations of accordion & non-randon placement of objects to vote
Limitations of accordion & non-randon placement of objects to vote

Kantipur says: पाठकहरुले यसै साइटको ‘फेसबुक लाइक’ का माध्यमबाट त्यस्तो छनौट गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ । त्यसरी सबभन्दा बढी मत ल्याएर दश क्षेत्रबाट छानिने दश व्यक्तित्वलाई ‘कान्तिपुर बर्षका दश’ घोषणा गर्नुका साथै २०७० फागुन ७ गते उहाँहरुबारे बिशेष सामग्री प्रकाशन गरिनेछ ।

मतदानमा प्रविधिको दुरुपयोग गर्न खोजिएमा त्यस्ता मत बदर गरिनेछ ।

The app for Kantipurnewsmaker is very limited in technology usages. First, de facto that Social Media is Facebook in Nepal (about 110% of Internet population in Nepal is on Facebook, do the maths!) or should it be Facebook is the only social media in Nepal?

Automatic Sorting by highest voting, inner page
Automatic Sorting by highest voting, inner page

Second, the rules of abuse have not been defined. What is “मतदानमा प्रविधिको दुरुपयोग गर्न खोजिएमा त्यस्ता मत बदर गरिनेछ ।” referring to? There is no technology that can enable a single user to LIKE twice the same thing. It is Facebook’s limitation or feature.

Note: You can vote as many person you like, but you cannot vote the same person twice.” As stated on the help section, it looks too funny for obvious reasons.  Yes, almost all Facebookers know that they can’t LIKE anything twice in Facebook. Zuckerberg’s idea!

The technology limitations of eKantipur कान्तिपुर वर्षका दश व्यक्तित्व
The technology limitations of eKantipur कान्तिपुर वर्षका दश व्यक्तित्व

Third point is, use of toggle or accordion or the technology of  expanding & contrasting objects. The first four avatars of the persons shows by default are most likely to be noted. The limitation of accordion hides potential other persons for vote or LIKE. For proof just observe that first tier of people get high votes, and lesser subsequently. Shouldn’t this been randomized – if universal principles of game theory and “voting by likes” is entertained?

Final point, well, Internet voting and survey has always been questionable as long as voters are unidentifiable (or is Kantipur collecting the LIKER’s name & other facebook details?) – – in anyway a user can’t vote twice.

I read a similar news in one website “कान्तिपुरको उत्कृष्ट दशबाट चौधरी बाहिरिए, जलान फेसबुकमा बिज्ञापन गर्दै” .
However, the limitation of the app doesn’t say one cannot Facebook ad or even Google ad (haven’t seen one tho’), the explanation

Whatever limitations and circumstance are now, Kantipur should think differently as they grow to conduct to similar Facebook voting system for best Nepalese in years to come or so.
Disclaimer: In no way, I’m related or represent, agree or disagree with individuals mentioned in the app/program and/or the publisher of the app.

10 thoughts on “The technology of कान्तिपुर बर्षका दश: Delving into the limitations of Facebook voting”

  1. Bakwas game by Kantipur. No rules defines. Just doing to show that they are more advanced than others but failed even technically and morally. Don’t underestimate the power of Nepalese.

  2. So, some people just wasted a lakh on useless Facebook voting. Yes, your voting mechanism was awesome, our IT melas sell 4GB pen drive and owner of an electronics shop is called a pioneer of ICT in the country. Good going Nepal.

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