Microsoft Office 2016 Features

Microsoft Office 2016 IT Pro – yet another version or features?

Microsoft’s Office team has announced development of their new version of Office suite named “Microsoft Office 2016 IT Pro”. The private preview with Office 2016 is announced as IT Pro and Developer Preview of Office 2016 for the Windows desktop and Mac computer.

Apart from end-user enhancements for this version, Office 2016 features include

Microsoft Office 2016 Features
Microsoft Office 2016 Features
  • Data Loss Protection (DLP)
  • Outlook – significant technical improvements
  • Click-to-Run deployment
  • Enhanced Macros and Add-ins
  • Accessibility features improved
  • Information Rights Management (IRM)

This article has been pressed from Office Blogs, Announcing the Office 2016 IT Pro and Developer Preview – Office Blogs.
You can request to Microsoft Connect for downloading Office 2016 Preview here.

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