October 13 and Aswin 27 barely matched this time for the space of a slight 12 GMT overnight. I got to know that another year passed too and yet, a lot I have to do.

Bewildered to amaze and responded thanks as the 1/3rd total age goes unfolding life’s initial mystery- not about searching whom am I but about getting how can I earn? And probably get a good living… simply a child imagination of the age after the teen.
But the celebration was awesome for my happenstances in incorporating some of finest fibres in the treat yesternoon or tomorrow. In spite of posts on Facebook as a heavy discounted and self-promoed, in words are the words Ekendra’s celebration, but atleast here I am.
The power, I remember, gives even more power to me and my sisters who will believe in a steel-glass of full tea and a one-rupee power biscuit– now named pahur biscuit– most probably the original brand had to face euthanasia.
This gift from my sister Rita will always reminisce me of our younger days and some other friendly minds who taste this cute one will be surprised to see one- but with just a packet of 10 pieces for the same Re 1.
I love my life, and everybody should!
My dear ekendra ji,
Many many happy returns of the day…late ma be…hernu na ..iam abit bewildered..with the situation..i always appreciate the way u blend the things…ur gr8..keep it forever…
My dear ekendra ji,Many many happy returns of the day…late ma be…hernu na ..iam abit bewildered..with the situation..i always appreciate the way u blend the things…ur gr8..keep it forever…
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