PCL phased out, HSEB changes +2 curricula

Was there sufficient homework before phasing out the Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) by the Nepalese Government? PCL has always remained as the college entry level programs in Nepal under the higher secondary level equivalent of Tribhuvan University (TU). The relative reach to PCL was always lesser compared to suburb and villages, but that doesn’t mean the Government should phase out the country’s one of the oldest higher secondary schooling without apt planning and merging into the HSEB. There is much more politics than edu stuff on the country.On July 10, various 13 student unions — that struck a six-point deal with the Ministry of Education (MoE) last year for phasing out Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) from the Tribhuvan University (TU) — has demanded that the government implement agreements reached with them in the past; many National Dailies in the country quote.
In their recent meeting with MoE officials, representatives of the unions warned of fresh protests if the government failed to implement past agreements.
Student unions will interact with professors and other stakeholders before deciding to launch a fresh round of agitation.In the wake of student unions´ agitation against TU´s decision last year, the government had agreed to establish community higher secondary schools in all 75 districts. Similarly, the government had also agreed to set up model community +2 schools in each constituency before phasing out PCL.
Likewise, the government, as per the agreement, had decided to provide additional posts for five teachers to each community school that ran 11 and 12 grades. However, the government has been providing only two teachers´ posts. The government has not helped +2 schools upgrade their infrastructure, either. The issue of unregulated fee structures of +2 schools also remains unresolved.
Poor students would not be able to continue their studies if the government does not fix a ceiling for monthly fees. Before TU´s decision of phasing out PCL, students could complete high school at a fee as low as Rs 40. But, students now will have to pay more even in community-based +2 schools.

While the TU has announced the phase out of PCL and the agitation with the political/student parties continue; Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) is set to change the curricula of 11 subjects of Grade 11 and 12.
The Business Study subject of both the grades will come in new curriculum from this academic year, according to HSEB curriculum division. It said courses of Science, Chemistry, Travel and Tourism, Mathematics and Compulsory Nepali of Grade 11 and 12 have been changed.
Similarly, Marketing, Teaching Practice, Social Studies and Instructional Evaluation subjects of Grade 12 have also been amended.
HSEB has, however, phased out Business Organization and Office Management (BOOM) and Office Management and Secretarial Practice subjects from this year. These two subjects will not be taught for next two years, the division said.
Why doesn’t the educational curriculum development division in the country doesn’t upgrade the course? They always tend to change which is radically not the upgrade as we always find one. Just few days ago, Institute of Engineering, TU added some age old programming languages to make students depressed who were waiting for Java in BE Electronics and Communication Engineering. But why???

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