Useful Tips and Tricks in using LaTeX

Some Commonly Used Packages for Thesis writing in LaTeXHere are some really useful tips and tricks to be used for LaTeX documentations like Journal papers or even your thesis reports. I have compiled some of them which I encountered during my Thesis and special study.

* How to remove or hide page number from (front page) LaTeX Document?

Often we have to remove the page number from the front page of our document say Thesis proposal. I have tried out many suggestions but finally one which I found best and easiest to hide page number is given here:


If you don’t have \maketitle syntax, then don’t worry, simply page the lower 2 lines (add these 2 lines of code even if there is no \pagestyle already)
* How to add hyperlinks to a LaTeX Document?

Adding hyperlinks to a LaTeX document is a good idea for maintaining cross references. One of the simplest ways to add hyperlinks is to use a package called hyperref. Once this hyperlinks package is installed to a LaTex project, it automatically constructs hyperlinks for all the ‘\cite’ and ‘\ref’ commands. Hurray, now all of your citations will have direct links to the authors in bibliography section. The code to add to latex file is:

* How to show subsection in Table of Contents in LaTeX Document?

If you want to control the depth in table of contents, say 3.2.1 would be reasonably and logically of depth 3 appropriate in most of the cases including Thesis. Below the display TOC code, you will need to add some code to determine the depth of your toc.

\setcounter{tocdepth}{the number of depth}

* How to insert citations within a figure caption or a table description in LaTeX?

We often have to give the citation for the figure or tables or even the formulae used in our documents. In order to insert the citation for reference in the figure caption or inside the table caption/description, just use the following LaTeX code in order to get rid of the argument error.

\caption {Node’s radio energy dissipation model
}   % closing bracket for caption

Finally, here is a very useful link to a website which helps you to validate and write mathematical equations online. Texify– convert regular text document to LaTeX format.

Computer You can read my research in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (HWSN) here.

1 thought on “Useful Tips and Tricks in using LaTeX”

  1. Pingback: [How to] Configure TeXnic Center for Typesetting with MikTex-distribution

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