Step by step visual guide to install Dolphin Community Software on Localhost

This article will cover a complete guide to install Dolphin Community Software on localhost visually—with screenshots on Windows Vista using XAMPP server.

Before proceeding to this article, please read Problems & errors encountered during Dolphin installation on live site. Or you can keep the link window opened in nest tab until you want to read.

  1. It is assumed that your XAMPP server is running and you have successfully unzipped the downloaded file of latest Dolphin Software to apt folder (eg C:\XAMPP\htdocs\dolphin). Here, is a complete guide to how to install and use XAMPP server on localhost and create a database with phpMyAdmin.
  2. Please, make an empty database (empty is preferred) for Dolphin, eg http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ goto this location and create one. Ensure you have saved the database name, user name and password as well.
  3. Assumed that you have a working database and a complete files/folders unzipped for Dolphin, point our browser to http://localhost/dolphin/ to start installing dolphin.



Official Boonex links for Dolphin:

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