९० दिनमा २ अर्ब – Nepal spent 2 Billion in just 90 days for 18th SAARC Summit

2,000,000,000: Awesome 10 digit figure with 9 zeroes after 2, what Nepal spent in mere 90 days in preparation for the last 18th SAARC summit held in Kathmandu.
1,000,000,000 rupees (1 arba) alone spent for Infra and 300,000,000 (30 crore) spent on  Urban Development (सहरी विकाश) ministries.

९० दिनमा २ अर्ब - Nepal spent 2 Billion in just 90 days for SAARC Summit
९० दिनमा २ अर्ब – Nepal spent 2 Billion in just 90 days for SAARC Summit
Interestingly, the amount spent on infras are like pouring water on the sand – they have started declining charm, if not, becoming orphanage due to care of the concerned ministry or departments. If the government was serious about the infra it developed or just care about them, citizens might enjoy the sense of being developed. However, we live in a country called Nepal.
News source: Kantipur Kosheli

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