The Pirates Of The Caribbean star visited the western districts of Kaski and Chitwan in one of the country’s poorest areas, according to the Unicef site.
The 30-year-old received a warm welcome from local people and women in the villages smeared his forehead with red ‘tikka’ and put garlands of flowers around his neck.
He also visited a local school, chatted to mums and looked in on projects to promote safe hygiene and encourage school attendance.
Orlando was also called on to perform a small role in a radio drama recorded by children. In the programme, which encourages teenagers to shares their worries, Orlando voiced the part of a guest at a hostel for homeless girls.
“Another Hollywood movie star might have felt strange in a remote and impoverished area of Nepal, but actor Orlando Bloom seemed perfectly at ease,” said a Unicef spokesman.
wow! the pirate’s hero in pkr, amazing and where’s the news abt him?
wow! the pirate’s hero in pkr, amazing and where’s the news abt him?
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