Chemistry EG403SH

To develop the basic concepts of Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry relevant to problems in engineering.

Group A (Physical Chemistry )
1.0 Atomic Structure(5 hours)
1.1 Limitations of Bohr’s Theory
1.2 Sommerfeld’s extension of Bhor model of atom ( no derivation) Wave mechanical model of atom
1.3 De-Broglee’s equation, matter waves and electromagnetic waves
1.4 Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, uncertainty principle and probability Concept.
1.5 Derivation of Schrodinger’s equation (time Independent), significance of wave function, quantum numbers and orbital, radial and angular probability distribution graphs and shapes of s, p, d orbitals.
1.6 Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity aufbau principle, electronic configuration using s, p, d, f orbitals, stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals.
2.0 Ionic equilibrium(4 hours)
2.1 Strong and weak electrolytes
2.2 Ostwald’s dilution law and its limitation
2.3 pH and pH scale
2.4 Common ion effect in ionic equilibria.
2.5 Buffer and pH of buffer
3.0 Electro Chemistry(4 hours)
3.1 Electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells
3.2 Single electrode potentials and normal hydrogen electrode, elctro-chemical series
3.3 Nernst’s equation and determination of electrode potential and cell potential under non-standard conditions
3.4 Corrosion of metals and its prevention.
4.0 Chemical energetics(5 hours)
4.1 Internal energy (E) and I law of thermodynamics.
4.2 Isothermal irreversible expansion of an ideal gas, isothermal reversible expansion of an ideal gas.
4.3 Experimental determination of E(using bomb Calorimeter)
4.4 Enthalpy (H) and experimental determination of H.
4.5 Enthalpy of Physical and Chemical changes
4.6 Hess’s law of constant heat summation
4.7 Enthalpy change from bond energy
4.8 Molar heat Capacities, relation between Cp and Cv
4.9 Variation of heat of reaction with temperature ( Kirchhoff’s equations)
4.10 Calorific values of fuels and food.
Group B (Inorganic Chemistry)
5.0 Chemical Bonding(4 hours)
5.1 Valence bond theory
5.2 A brief treatment of the Covalent bond with valence bond theory.
5.3 Types of overlapping
5.4 Hybridization
5.5 Condition necessary for hybridization
5.6 Characteristic of hybrid orbitals
5.7 Types of hybridization – Sp, Sp2, Sp3, dsp2, dsp3 and d2Sp3
6.0 Co-ordination Complexes(5 hours)
6.1 Double Salt and complex Salt
6.2 Werner’s Co-ordination theory
6.3 Nomenclature of Co-ordination Complexes.
6.4 Electronic interpretation in Co-ordination.
6.5 Bonding in Co-ordination compounds – only valence bond theory.
6.6 Applications of valence bond theory – Octahedral complexes, Tetrahedral
complexes and Square planer complexes.
6.7 Application of Co-ordination complexes.
7.0 Transition elements – 3rd Series, with reference to(5 hours)
7.1 Electronic configuration.
7.2 Metallic character
7.3 Oxidation State
7.4 Colour formation
7.5 Magnetic properties
7.6 Tendency to form complexes.
8.0 Silicones – Properties and uses(1 hour)
Group C (Organic Chemistry)
9.0 Stereochemistry(3 hours)
9.1 Stereoisomerism
9.2 Geometrical isomerim
9.3 Optical Isomerisum
10.0 Four general types of organic reactions(4 hours)
10.1 Substitution reaction SN
1 and SN
2 reaction
10.2 Addition
10.3 Elimination E1 and E2 reactions
10.4 Rearrangement.
11.0 Organometallic compounds(1 hours)
Preparation of Grignard’s reagent, properties and uses
12.0 Aromatic Compounds(1 hours)
Toluene- preparation, Properties and uses
13.0 Explosives(2 hours)
13.1 Simple idea about low and high explosives.
13.2 TNT, TNG and nitrocellulose preparation and uses
14.0 Plastics and Polymers(3 hours)
14.1 Polymers and Polymerization.
14.2 Types of Polymerization reaction.
14.3 Types of Polymers
14.4 Synthetic fibres Polystyrene, Teflon, nylon, terylene or dacron.
Text books and References.
Physical Chemistry:
1. Selected topics in physical chemistry. – Motikaji Sthapit
1. Principles of physical chemistry – Marron & Prutton.
2. Essentials of physical chemistry. – Bahl & Tuli
Inorganic chemistry:
1. Advanced Inorganic chemistry – Satyaprakash, R. D. Modan., G.D. Tuli
1. Concise Chemistry – A.J. Lee
2. Inorganic chemistry – R. C. Agrawal.
Organic chemistry:
1. Organic chemistry. – Morrison and Boyd
1. Organic chemistry – B. S. Bahl
2. Mechanism in organic chemistry – Peter Sykes.
Chemistry LaboratoryF M:25
EG403SH Internal: 10
External: 15
1. To determine the alkalinity of water samples A&B.
2. To determine the hardness of water Complexometrically using EDTA.
3. To determine the amount of free chlorine in water by Standardization of hypo Solution.
4. To prepare the standard buffer solutions using acetic acid & sodium acetate and to
measure the approximate pH of the given unknown solution by universal indicator
5. To prepare the standard buffer solutions using ammonia and ammonium chloride and to
measure the approximate pH of the given unknown solution by using universal indicator.
6. To determine the relative and absolute viscosity of the given liquids by ostwald’s
7. To find the surface tension of the liquids by stalagmometer and compare surface tension
of the cleaning powder of detergents.
8. To measure the quantity of electricity required to deposit one mole of Copper.
9. To purify petroleum and crude alcohol by fractional distillation.

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