It’s been a long since BBC reported blogs are the best personal home pages, hence the exponentially rising numbers of new blogs. Ekendra’s Blog has been on blogosphere for now about 4 years. It’s just a nightmare blogging with whatever I feel like expression.
Onward this post, I will be posting the updates to customize and enhance the blogging experience as a better blogging guides. Changing blogger templates, commenting styles, articulating tower posts and a lot to go thru. Though I’m not a professional blogger nor do I blog for cash or fame, I’d like to share my blogging experience and better blogging enhancements with every people who Google their queries for better blogging.
There’s no problem of copyright, I believe in …the world’s free, however you may quote my link. Visit the Label: Better Blogging for the blogging tips and tricks and hacks you might be looking around. Â