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- Write a program in 8086 assembly language that concatenates two given strings to create a third string (assume that the strings are available in the data division and the last character of the string is ‘\0’ as the convention in C Programming)and print the combined string. Make suitable assumptions, if any. Properly document the program
- Nice collection of 8086 Assembly Language Programs (few programs listed below)
1. Bubble Sort
2. Selection sort
3. Insertion Sort
4. Multi byte Addition/Subtraction
5. Clear Screen Using BIOS Interrupt
6. GCD of 4 unsigned 16 bit numbers
7. LCM of 2 16 bit unsigned numbers
8. Linear Search
9. Binary Search
10.Memory size of the PC you are using,using BIOS interrupt
11.To Check for Password using DOS interrupt
12.Factorial of a number using Recursion
13.To Rename a File using DOS interrupt
14.Linear Search in an array of records with 2 fields
15.Multiplication of two 3×3 matrices
16.Computation of nCr using Recursion
17.Move a string of characters on the CRT
18.To Check if the Printer is online and print a message
19.Display the Command line parameters using DOS interrupts