The craze is not over yet- Indian Idol fever is spicy and it’s time for Indian Idol Live in Concert. The winner of the latest edition of Indian Idol, 4, Sourabhee is coming Nepal to thank Nepalese fans. Sourabhee is followed by Kapil Thapa and Torsha Sarkar on this coming Friday 13th March, 2009 according to the report by the THT Live- Indian Idol official voting partner for Nepal.
These three Indian Idol finalists are performing concert in Jawalakhel Ground, Kathmandu, on 14th March 14:30 onward and in Exhibition Ground, Pokhara, on 15th March 14:30 onward.
Read this full article about Indian Idol Live in Concert in Kathmandu & Pokhara, Nepal, also get free tickets to the concert.