
World Famous Failures – Real inspirational failures

If you’ve never failed. You’ve never tried anything new. Famous failures of famous personalities – Michael Jordon, The Beatles, Eminem, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Albert Einstein. World Famous Failures – Real inspirational failures

Self-setting automatic scientific watch

This is Self-setting automatic scientific watch.According to IEEE, This is the first watch that can automatically set itself anywhere (even outside the atomic master clocks) using only GPS

Did you liked the all new LinkedIn Interface?

LinkedIn, the world’s most popular professional’s network, comes in new user interface.My personal view: it looks minimalistic but obviously not as cool as the earlier version.

Is it illegal to convert YouTube Videos into MP3 and download them?

What do you think, Is it illegal to convert YouTube Videos into MP3 and download them? One of the popular websites,, to convert YouTube videos into mp3 is sued by Google. Google thinks it is illegal to convert those USER UPLOADED videos into mp3. What do you think?

Do perfect relationships exist?

Do perfect relationships exist? >> There are no perfect relationships …… Its how we accept the imperfections that makes it perfect

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