January 2012

Write a program (WAP) to draw a circle using Mid-point Algorithm

Although Bresenham’s algorithm is based upon integral operations only and is much faster than other algorithms, yet there is one drawback of this algorithm. This method is not uniformly applicable to all sorts of conics. For eg, for the ellipse drawing procedure, we need to treat two different regions in the first quadrant differently. This …

Write a program (WAP) to draw a circle using Mid-point Algorithm Read complete article »

Workshop Technology EG432ME

Course Objectives: To provide instruction and practical workshop experience in basic machine shop metal-working operations. 1.0Bench Tools and Basic Hand Operations: (8 hours) 1.1. Familiarization with tools and their use 1.2. Machinist’s hammers 1.3. Types of screw drivers 1.4. Use and sharpening of punches, chisels, chippers and scrapers, scribers 1.5. Classification of files 1.6. Types …

Workshop Technology EG432ME Read complete article »

Electric Circuits I EG477EE

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To introduce dc and ac circuit analysis. 1.0 Circuit Elements:(4 hours) 1.1 Mathematical description of the functional behavior of resistors, capacitors and inductors in terms of current and voltage relationships 1.2 Basic physical structure of resistors, capacitors and inductors 1.3 Departures from ideal (pure R, L, or C) characteristics 1.4 Voltage and current …

Electric Circuits I EG477EE Read complete article »


title SUM THE NUMBERS FROM 1-100 dosseg .model small .stack 100H .code main proc mov ax, 0 mov cx, 10h ; loop count=10 BACK: add ax, cx ; add two numbers loop BACK ; repeat until cx=0 mov ax, 4c00h ; return to DOS int 21h main endp end main

To calculate the Inverse of a Matrix using Gauss Jordon Method

Program to calculate the Inverse of a Matrix using Gauss Jordon Method, a simple yet complete algorithm follows below. Gauss Jordon Method can be employed to solve a system of linear equations having solutions. Unlink in Gauss Elimination method (in which triangular matrix is formed), in Gauss Jordon Method all off diagonal elements are eliminated …

To calculate the Inverse of a Matrix using Gauss Jordon Method Read complete article »

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