Electronic Governance practice in MoFALD
- Web-based Reporting System, WBRS
- District Planning Monitoring and Analysis System, DPMAS
- RBMÂ for Local Government Bodies
Municipal Administration and Revenue System (MARS): including the following modules
- Financial Management and Accounting System (FMAS)
- Budget Monitoring and Planning System (BMPS)
- Revenue Management System (RMS)
- Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
- – Personnel Information System (PIS)
- – Payroll Management System (PMS)
- Fixed Assets Accounting (FAA)
- Citizen Interface System (CIS)
- Decision Support System (DSS)
- Office Management System (OMS)
- Management Information System (MIS)
DPMAS and its role in local governance
DPMAS understanding and current status in local bodies and sectoral line agencies
Project or Program monitoring guidelines and other acts/regulation regarding progress monitoring
WBRS and importance
M & E System of MoFALD and Local Bodies (RBM)
Result based Financial management in WBRS/DPMAS in local bodies
MoFALD RBM indicator overview
RBM software system overview
Line Ministry Budgetary Information System (LBMIS) of the Ministry of Finance
It is clearly evident that Nepal Government and it’s 744 local government units are or will be using MIS at large including Decision Support System (DSS) which is great use of ICT for productivity and performance.