Happy B'day my friend, Ekendra!

Your Friend for Your Life! var sc_project=1220477; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=10; var sc_security="2b0279e0";

Ad Astra per Aspere

Dear Friend

Many many return of the Day!

WARM GREETINGS On Your Birthday!

happy thought today is
especially Meant for You, because
You are
special too…

So here’s sending
warm wishes for Your
Birthday, one that

You’ii remember always.



-Your Friend Ekendra













var sc_project=1220477; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=10; var sc_>

©EkendraLamsal.com,  Please, right click for details.

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Ekendra Lamsal: An Engineer, Technocrat, ICT4D Advocate & Web analyst. Blogging since 2001 (on this site from 2004) in various weblogs. Also, in love with Clouds, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management, Web Inclusion & BI.