To calculate the real roots of an equation using Bisection Method

Roots of a quadratic or polynomial can be computed using Bisection Method.
The only difference that lies between the bisection method and the regula falsi method is the way the next new point x0 is found.
The bisection method is linearly convergent as error decreases linearly with step each by a factor of 0.5. However, since the convergence is slow to achieve a higher degree of accuracy, a large number of iterations might be needed.
The false point is based on linear interpolation model in which during each iteration one of the starting points is fixed while the other tends to move toward the solution of the equation.


To calculate the real roots of an equation using Bisection Method in C++ Programming Language for Numerical Methods for Engineering Students

Ekendra Lamsal: An Engineer, Technocrat, ICT4D Advocate & Web analyst. Blogging since 2001 (on this site from 2004) in various weblogs. Also, in love with Clouds, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management, Web Inclusion & BI.