New Year 2010, credos, resolutions, fun and ASCII art!

Greetings to all those human visitors and spiders of this small crazy site (as people say and spiders out number human visitors), harmonic New Year 2010 Greetings from Ekendra’s blog.
In this blog post, I have tried to merge everything about the New Year 2010, ASCII fun arts, funny pictures, New Year SMSes, Silly and Funny resolutions for the new year and whatever I find interesting.

Ascii New Year Art, New Year’s Resolutions – don’t be silly don’t be serious



happy new year 2010, but going to miss the last decade


Happy 2010 to all, and may all your wishes and dreams come true! Stay safe and enjoy the new year.

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Funny new year stuffs collected from the following sites, credos to them:

Ekendra Lamsal: An Engineer, Technocrat, ICT4D Advocate & Web analyst. Blogging since 2001 (on this site from 2004) in various weblogs. Also, in love with Clouds, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management, Web Inclusion & BI.

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