SWOT Analysis of Local eGovernance in Nepal

SWOT Analysis of Local eGovernance in Nepal

SWOT Analysis of Local eGovernance in Nepal

Just a case Situation Analysis of a sample district Baitadi in Nepal for it’s local eGovernance: SWOT Analysis of Local eGovernance in Nepal

SWOT Analysis of Local eGovernance in Nepal
For references, let’s have a look at the eGovernment eServices as listed in Nepal Government Official Portal and compare the situation analysis for a sample district Baitadi in Western region of Nepal.
eGovernment eServices as listed in Nepal Government Official Portal

Ekendra Lamsal: An Engineer, Technocrat, ICT4D Advocate & Web analyst. Blogging since 2001 (on this site from 2004) in various weblogs. Also, in love with Clouds, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management, Web Inclusion & BI.