Best Search Engine for me, Bing- Not yet, back to Googling again!

Not a bad experience with Microsoft Technologies, yet here and there I, like most of the computer users around the world, use Microsoft’s product each day each hour. This time for about 4 months I gave a heavy look on Bing – the revised version of Live Search as MS would like to call by. But is Binging going to help you on what you’be been looking around? My study goes.

Google is no more a wonder in search engine arena. Simply so many results and yet so many scams or unrelated websites appearing in search result, also so many totally devastating (made for novice searchers) sites. Google seems to have forgotten to revise their list of blacklisted websites and blogs for quite a considerable time. Myself report to Google about more than 27 fraudulent websites and misleading/infected and other illegal 29 blogs on their blogger platform, however Google never wrote me back. This was the major reason why I was to try Bing exclusively- however Live search was still on the alternative bookmark to Google previously.
However, this is not about Will Google users switch to Bing or the reverse, just my way of interpreting and what I did.

Having been trying Microsoft’s Bing for 4 months (still going on- but sure to end the study in few days), I came to conclude that Google is still pronounced search engine. Though MS have partnered with Yahoo’s search technology and told to integrate Yahoo into Bing, the result have not yet been visualized (atleast I can’t see the effect).
This is true to that Bing added a lot of features to the search engine arena- visual search, live search, improved feed and exclusive phrasal searches to name a few. This is due to Bing that Google was forced to improve (if not, upgrade) their searching and indexing technologies. Also it is quite impressive that Bing is able to drag a considerable number of Googlers to be into their Bing Decision Makers. Read this, according to a Microsoft study 15 Google Users Tried Bing for a Week and 10 of them Switched.
However, in spite of the Microsoft claim and improvement I am highly dissatisfied with Bing results. This does not necessarily means that Google is the perfect search engines (listed above are few of bad or weak points of Google according to my view). This also does not mean that you are a poor searcher, you should learn the tips and tricks of using specific search engines. You can always find best performance tips and tricks for Bing and Google in their respective search, try this you’ll love it.
Comparing Google and Bing results side by side, and searching for crucial information most of the time Google produce irrelevant search results whilst the Bing goes displaying only the full page ads on it’s well drafted search results only to give users a dash of annoyance.
The only reason why I should turn back to Google is the amount of search results. Google will produce me 11,200 results on searching Curriculum for Electronics and Communication Engineering (BEX) while Bing goes with mere 1,800 results. This is just an example and is totally incomparable.
It seems like Bing is going to earn more money by advertising on their search results than does Google (on its self service
Below are some of the useful links and videos compared to which is better Bing or Google? However, the war between search engines Bing-vs-Google will continue.
Microsoft studies that 10 out of 15 Googler turned to be Bing Decision maker >>


Ekendra Lamsal: An Engineer, Technocrat, ICT4D Advocate & Web analyst. Blogging since 2001 (on this site from 2004) in various weblogs. Also, in love with Clouds, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management, Web Inclusion & BI.

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